Offensive operations will be stopped for peace, Northern Brotherhood says

The three ethnic coalition said that they are going to stop offensive operations in order to resolve a decades-long armed conflict through political dialogue so that national reconciliation and peace can be established.

By Win Nyunt 04 Sep 2019

Soldiers from the Northern Alliance / Photo - Twitter

Win Nyunt | DMG
4 September, Sittwe
Based on the resolutions of the meeting held on 31 August in Keng Tung, Shan State, offensive operations will cease as peace negotiations move forward, the three Northern Brotherhood announced on 2 September.

The three ethnic coalition said that they are going to stop offensive operations in order to resolve a decades-long armed conflict through political dialogue so that national reconciliation and peace can be established.

However, said that they would retaliate against the Tatmadaw’s offensive operations as a counter measure, the statement said.

“We will not launch offensive operations in all our three forces’ territories. But, we will respond to the Tatmadaw’s attacks as a defensive operation,” the AA’s information officer Khaign Thukha said.

In the Keng Tung meeting, the Northern Alliance agreed to keep on talking with the Tatmadaw to cease ongoing fighting.

Khaing Thukha said that the Tatmadaw needs to stop its offensive operations if they have a desire to build peace.

“If they also stop their offensive operations, we can assume both sides are willing to broker a deal that would be beneficial to everyone,” he said.