AASYC provides women’s empowerment training
The AASYC works to protect the rights of students inside and outside Arakan State. It also provides intensive women’s empowerment training courses in Arakan State.
26 Aug 2024

DMG Newsroom
26 August 2024, Sittwe
The Arakan Students’ and Youths’ Congress (AASYC) is conducting a women’s empowerment programme on the Myanmar-Thai border.
The training is intended to turn out women leaders among native ethnic communities in Arakan State, and empower them to take leadership roles in politics and other sectors, according to AASYC general secretary Ma Khin Mar Htwe.
“We work to equip women with the necessary skills to take leadership roles in politics or any other sector,” she said.
The three-month training kicked off on Sunday. Twenty people — 15 women and five men — have joined the course, according to AASYC.
The AASYC works to protect the rights of students inside and outside Arakan State. It also provides intensive women’s empowerment training courses in Arakan State.
Ma Thin Thin Moe, one of the trainees, said: “I hope this training will provide me with the knowledge to promote the role of women in political leadership in Arakan State.”
The regime has targeted women activists with arrests and imprisonment since the 2021 coup, silencing many of their voices.
According to a July report of the Burmese Women’s Union, a total of 5,555 women were arrested over the past three years, and 4,010 of them, including 49 women from Arakan State, remain under detention.