Families not yet allowed to meet Buthidaung detainees

DMG 27 Oct 2022

Relatives have not yet been allowed to meet some 20 Arakanese and Muslim detainees who were arrested by the Myanmar military from the central market and jetty in Arakan State’s Buthidaung Township on Sunday.

Arakan IDPs in need of blankets and warm clothes

DMG 26 Oct 2022

Thousands of people displaced by fighting between the military and Arakan Army in Arakan State need warmer clothes and blankets for the coming months as seasonal temperatures begin to fall, according to displacement camp officials.

Junta, AA troops clash in Rathedaung Twsp

DMG 26 Oct 2022

Myanmar junta troops and the Arakan Army (AA) clashed near Chein Ka Li Village in Arakan State’s Rathedaung Township on Wednesday evening, prompting local villagers to flee their homes.

Junta searches IDP camp in Mrauk-U Twsp

DMG 25 Oct 2022

Junta troops searched the Mya Tazaung camp for internally displaced people (IDPs) in Arakan State’s Mrauk-U Township on Tuesday morning.

Houses, boats damaged by strong winds in Pauktaw Twsp

DMG 24 Oct 2022

Locals have fled their homes in Pauktaw Township, Arakan State, following strong winds caused by cyclonic storm Sitrang. Some houses, boats and fish farms were damaged in two villages, according to locals.

Military detains Arakanese composer in Thandwe

DMG 24 Oct 2022

The Myanmar military reportedly abducted U San Ko, an Arakanese composer and owner of Arakan Ar Mahn bus gate in Arakan State’s Thandwe, at around noon on October 23.

Three children go missing in Sittwe

23 Oct 2022

Family members are worried about the fate of three Grade 4 students who have been missing since Saturday night in the Arakan State capital Sittwe.

Showing 2,641-2,660 of 7,471 items.