Vox Pop: Amid Omicron’s rise, can Covid-19 be controlled in Arakan State?
Thirty-seven people tested positive for Covid-19 from November 30 to December 16 in Arakan State, and one person succumbed to the virus. Most of the cases were airline passengers or people involved in the border trade with Bangladesh.
19 Dec 2021
DMG Newsroom
19 December 2021
Thirty-seven people tested positive for Covid-19 from November 30 to December 16 in Arakan State, and one person succumbed to the virus. Most of the cases were airline passengers or people involved in the border trade with Bangladesh.
The new Omicron variant is raising fears globally, and has been reported in neighbouring countries such as Bangladesh, India and Thailand. Against this backdrop, DMG solicited the views of local civil society organisations on how to control and prevent the spread of Covid-19 in Arakan State amid the evolving pandemic dynamics.
Saw San Nyein Thu || Chairwoman || Rakhaing Women’s Initiative Organization (RWIO)
The three waves of Covid-19 outbreaks were seen as largely neglected by the people in Arakan State. The third wave of the Covid-19 pandemic has just finished in Arakan State, but the fourth wave of the virus has begun. In this case, too, I think the main problem is negligence. This is due to the fact that those responsible for [containing] the Covid-19 epidemic have not been able to carry out widespread and effective anti-epidemic measures.
On the other hand, there is still negligence on the part of the general public regarding compliance with virus [prevention measures]. That is why this situation is considered to be on the rise in Arakan State. At the same time, outbreaks from the first to the fourth wave have been mostly transmitted through border trade routes. The current status of the Covid-19 virus has also been linked to cross-border trade. In this case, we need to be aware of the path of transmission and prevent it.
U Zaw Zaw Tun || Secretary || Arakan Humanitarian Coordination Committee (AHCT)
While border trade plans are in place, it is safe to assume that the Covid-19 outbreak is currently under control. On the other hand, the issue of illegal immigrants from Bangladesh is a matter of concern. It is difficult to release to the public because it is a security issue. But the public needs to be informed as much as possible. Officials, on the other hand, must monitor the border trade and find out if there are any infected patients and inform the public of the virus cases in a transparent manner.
The concerned officials must explain the rules and regulations to be followed by the people. Authorities need to work closely with local officials and other organisations to control the spread of the virus. Information is important. If you have been infected with the virus, you need to provide complete information about it. Otherwise, there will be public concern. If the public does not have information about the virus, they will be worried. If the public does not have information about the virus, they will celebrate traditional festivals and travel without protection.
At the moment, people seem to know nothing about the virus and are not afraid of anything. I think the government has many weaknesses in handling the pandemic. If the virus becomes severe, it could be very uncontrollable.
U Min Htel Wah || Chairman || Shweyaung Myittar Foundation
The local government should tighten border trade. Now that the new variant Omicron has been reported in Bangladesh, I think the border trade vessels should be carefully monitored. The public is a little worried about the new variant. But I don’t want the local government to put too much pressure on the people. The new variant Omicron has been discovered in neighbouring countries, so it would be better if authorities could crack down on boat workers entering and leaving those areas.
It is important for the people to follow the rules set by the health department, such as wearing masks and washing hands. You need to take care of your health by avoiding large crowds. It will be better if you follow the rules set by the health department without thinking too much about it.
U Khin Maung Gyi || Spokesperson || All Arakanese Solidarity Committee
Regarding the Covid-19 epidemic, people in Arakan State are not aware of the risks of deadly viruses. On the other hand, due to border trade, the spread of viruses is inevitable. But the government is doing its best. The local government should tighten controls on cross-border trade to prevent the spread of the disease. Local authorities need to make good plans.
The new variant Omicron has been reported in neighbouring countries. The new variant Omicron is more contagious and spreads faster than previous strains. Therefore, the people need not be too careless. In any case, the spread of the virus on a global scale has not stopped. Omicron infections are common even in countries with high coverage of the Covid-19 vaccine. So the public needs to be more careful about the new variant Omicron.