More than 170 Covid-19 cases reported in Mon State over 10 days this month

The Covid-19 infection rate in Mon State has shown a significant uptick over the first 10 days of this month, according to local charity groups.

By DMG 12 Feb 2022

DMG Newsroom
11 February 2022, Yangon

The Covid-19 infection rate in Mon State has shown a significant uptick over the first 10 days of this month, according to local charity groups.

At the end of January, there were only 10 recorded Covid-19 cases in Mon State, with the number reaching 175 by February 10, said an official from a social welfare organisation in Mawlamyine.

“The number of Covid-19 cases is increasing this month. Infections are reported in different townships, including Mawlamyine,” he told DMG.

Most cases have been in Chaungzon Township, with the second highest number of cases in Thanbyuzayat and Ye townships, said the Ministry of Health.

A total of 50 students from Kyaik Khami High School in Thanbyuzayat Township are infected with Covid-19, and at least 100 students across Paung, Chaungzon, Mudon, Ye and Thanbyuzayat townships are infected, according to local sources.

A nurse in the Mon State capital Mawlamyine said people need to be especially prudent in following health regulations due to the rising infection rate in the state.

“According to the current situation, people need to adhere to health regulations such as wearing face masks and washing hands,” she said.

Nationwide, Myanmar recorded 1,607 new cases of Covid-19 on February 11, bringing the total number of infections since the pandemic began to 515,816, according to the Health Ministry. The ministry said Friday was the 19th consecutive day in Myanmar without a death attributed to the virus.