Teacher involved in CDM arrested in Taungup
A female high school teacher who is said to have been part of the anti-coup Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM) in Taungup, Arakan State, since its earliest days was arrested on November 20, according to witnesses.
20 Nov 2021
DMG Newsroom
20 November 2021, Taungup
A female high school teacher who is said to have been part of the anti-coup Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM) in Taungup, Arakan State, since its earliest days was arrested on November 20, according to witnesses.
Daw Cherry Thet Shay, 40, is a high school teacher at No. 2 Basic Education High School in Taungup town.
“We do not know where she was taken,” said one witness.
U Soe Thiha, a resident of Taungup, said: “She has been joining CDM since the beginning of the coup. She led the protests also.”
U Mya Htwe, a sergeant at the police station in Taungup, said: “As a police station, we do not know about it. No case related to a teacher has been opened here. That case has not reached us so far.”
Daw Cherry Thet Shay is believed to be the first teacher in Arakan State to be arrested for CDM participation.
DMG attempts to seek comment from the head of the Education Office in Arakan State were unsuccessful.
Thirty-five instructors from Sittwe University were dismissed in May for joining the CDM, though in general the movement has not gained as much traction in Arakan State as has been seen elsewhere in Myanmar since the coup.