Third straight day of AA-military clashes reported in Arakan, Chin states

Clashes between the Myanmar military and the Arakan Army (AA) have continued for three consecutive days in Arakan State and Chin State’s Paletwa Township, the AA said on Monday, as some of the latest fighting was reported east of the Kaladan River in Paletwa Township. 

By DMG 15 Aug 2022

DMG Newsroom
14 August 2022, Paletwa, Chin State 

Clashes between the Myanmar military and the Arakan Army (AA) have continued for three consecutive days in Arakan State and Chin State’s Paletwa Township, the AA said on Monday, as some of the latest fighting was reported east of the Kaladan River in Paletwa Township. 

Locals reported hearing up to 30 artillery shells and gunfire near Paletwa Township’s Sein Nyin and Namada villages from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. on August 15. 

“From what we heard, it was an exchange of fire,” said a local. 

Paletwa-based Light Infantry Battalion No. 289 was responsible for the artillery shells fired during Monday’s hostilities, according to local residents. 

“We heard around 10 shells fired by Battalion 289. Sein Nyin and Namada are far from Paletwa [town]. So, we don’t know if there was fighting [near Paletwa] or if the battalion just fired at random,” said another Paletwa Township resident. 

DMG was unable to contact Chin State Security and Border Affairs Minister Colonel Han Win Aung or AA spokesman U Khaing Thukha for comment about the reported fighting in Chin State on Monday. 

Over the weekend, the two sides clashed on Saturday at three locations in Arakan State as well as one location in Paletwa Township, according to an AA statement. 

The clashes took place in the north of Done Pike in Rathedaung Township; in the north of Kyauk Panu in Maungdaw Township; and west of mile post No. 4 near the Arakan State-Bangladesh border in Maungdaw Township, as well as in the north of Paletwa Township’s Thahtaygon village, said the AA statement. 

The fighting in Rathedaung Township was reportedly fierce, and lasted about two hours. That clash happened after junta troops and affiliated border guard police personnel came close to an AA outpost near Done Pike. The regime side suffered 31 casualties, and the AA also suffered some casualties, the AA statement said. 

The Arakanese ethnic armed group claimed that it seized more than 20 firearms including a pistol, communication devices, ammunition and other military equipment. 

The AA clashed with Light Infantry Battalion No. 270, meanwhile, in Maungdaw Township on Saturday. Six junta soldiers were killed, and two AA fighters were injured in the fighting, the AA statement said, adding that firearms, ammunition, medicines and other military equipment were also seized following that altercation. DMG was unable to independently confirm the casualties reported. 

On Sunday, junta outposts as well as mobile military columns fired artillery for much of the day, according to the AA, which said the regime forces targeted several locations including those where clashes had occurred the day prior. 

The theatre of war is expanding in Arakan State as the Myanmar military continues to attack AA outposts, according to the ethnic armed group. 

The AA has also alerted local residents to be aware of the possibility of escalating conflict and more large-scale clashes in the region, saying the military has been mobilising its troops, as well as helicopters, warships and military trucks. 

DMG has been unable to contact junta spokesman Major General Zaw Min Tun for comment since the first bouts of the three-day confrontation were reported on Saturday.