AA continues to attack junta bases in Paletwa Twsp

Fighting has been ongoing for one week following the AA’s offensive against the two hilltop positions near Taronai Village began around 6 a.m. on November 14, and junta troops responded with aerial support and shelling.

By Admin 29 Nov 2023

Junta bases being attacked by the Arakan Army in Paletwa Township. (Photo: Three Brotherhood Alliance)
Junta bases being attacked by the Arakan Army in Paletwa Township. (Photo: Three Brotherhood Alliance)

DMG Newsroom
29 November 2023, Paletwa, Chin State

Fighting between the military and Arakan Army (AA) continued in Paletwa Township, Chin State, for a 15th consecutive day on Wednesday after the ethnic armed group launched attacks on two of the military’s strategic hilltop camps near Taronai Village.

Fighting has been ongoing for one week following the AA’s offensive against the two hilltop positions near Taronai Village began around 6 a.m. on November 14, and junta troops responded with aerial support and shelling.

“Attacks on two of the military’s strategic hilltop camps near Taronai Village in Paletwa Township continued to intensify,” the Three Brotherhood Alliance said in a statement on November 27.

Junta spokesman Maj-Gen Zaw Min Tun said: “The Arakan Army (AA) attacked two of the military’s camps in Paletwa. The AA also fired mortar shells into the military camps in Paletwa,” the junta-controlled Myanmar Alinn daily reported on Wednesday.

The regime has described the Taroneain base as crucial for India-funded projects in Arakan State, accusing the AA itself of therefore “destroying” the development of Arakan State.

Fighting has been raging after the AA attacked the military’s Paletwa-based Light Infantry Battalion No. 289 on November 27, said a local man.

“Fighting is still intensifying in Paletwa. The military responded to the AA’s attack on LIB 289 in Paletwa with heavy weapons and small arms. The military’s LIB 289 also fired mortar shells into the Nonebu tactical command,” the Paletwa resident added.

Hundreds of local people from Taronai, Meezar, Nonebu and Abaungthar villages in Paletwa Township were displaced by the fighting and have fled to safer locations.

“The junta launched airstrikes on villages near Taroneain base and Meezar Village yesterday. No casualties were reported in the junta airstrikes, but the villagers have fled to safer locations,” the Paletwa resident explained.

At least 17 civilian casualties were reported in Taronai and Meezar Villages due to the junta’s shelling and airstrikes.

Myanmar’s military regime has isolated Paletwa Township following fierce fighting with the AA there since November 13 and tightened security, according to local residents.

Prices of rice and commodities have almost doubled in Paletwa after the Kyauktaw-Paletwa route was blockaded by the regime, with rice shortages reported in the area.