Aid lacking for dozens of storm-hit villages in Pauktaw Twsp

Storm victims in several villages on Ale Phayonekar Island have received little in the way of relief supplies, locals said.

By Admin 06 Jun 2023

Some homes in Nattaung Village, Pauktaw Township, were destroyed by Cyclone Mocha.
Some homes in Nattaung Village, Pauktaw Township, were destroyed by Cyclone Mocha.

DMG Newsroom
6 June 2023, Pauktaw

Dozens of villages in Arakan State’s Pauktaw Township affected by Cyclone Mocha are still in need of humanitarian assistance, locals said.

Storm victims in several villages on Ale Phayonekar Island have received little in the way of relief supplies, locals said.

About 110 out of 120 homes in Kyetthayay Village were destroyed by the cyclonic storm but storm victims have received only one Pyi of rice provided by the junta, villagers said.

“Nearly all homes in the village were destroyed by the cyclonic storm. No social organisation came to our village,” said Daw Hsan May, a local woman from Kyetthayay Village.

Over 300 out of 360 homes in Mahnyinkaing Village, Pauktaw Township, were destroyed by the cyclonic storm and each household received 10 tins of rice as a relief supply allotment.

“Only a few social organisations, nongovernmental organisations and research groups visited Ale Phayonekar Island in the past. Storm victims from other islands often receive relief items,” said Daw Khaing Pan Wai, a resident of Mahnyinkaing Village.

Pauktaw Township consists of 58 village-tracts and 178 villages, many of which suffered significant damage from Cyclone Mocha. 

Thousands of storm victims in Pauktaw Township are in urgent need of shelters and food supplies and are facing financial difficulties in rebuilding their homes. With the rainy season imminent, storm-hit residents are hoping for safe shelter.

“We need roofing sheets in an urgent manner and we hope to get it. We would like to ask the concerned officials to provide us with relief items,” said Ma Win Yin, a local woman from Nattaung Village.

Though the junta is working to provide assistance in some urban areas, support is still lacking in remote areas due to transportation barriers.

Arakan civil society organisations have urged the junta to speed up relief efforts to help those affected by the cyclonic storm.