Local authorities urged to take action against sand miners at Sittwe’s View Point Beach

Sand is extracted at View Point Beach in Sittwe on a daily basis and the entire beach has been disfigured by large sinkholes and pits, residents said.

By Admin 21 Jul 2023

Sittwe’s View Point Beach, full of sinkholes and pits, is pictured on July 21.
Sittwe’s View Point Beach, full of sinkholes and pits, is pictured on July 21.

DMG Newsroom
21 July 2023, Sittwe

Sand mining has been rampant following Cyclone Mocha at Sittwe’s View Point Beach, a landmark of the Arakan State capital, but the relevant authorities are weak in addressing the issue, residents say.

Sand is extracted at View Point Beach in Sittwe on a daily basis and the entire beach has been disfigured by large sinkholes and pits, residents said.

“You can no longer see the red crab boys on the beach. If sand mining continues like this, biodiversity will be lost and the local people will have to bear the effects of bad weather,” said vice chairman U Moe Kyaw of the Sittwe-based Sein Pyar environmental conservation group. “I don’t see any action taken against those who are involved in sand mining. Sand is being extracted due to local authorities’ negligence.”

Residents near the beach said that sand is extracted from the beach using sidecars, three-wheeled motorbikes and Hi-jets to repair many homes in Sittwe damaged by the storm.

Sand mining at Sittwe’s View Point Beach on July 21.

As the sand is mined daily, View Point Beach is slowly disappearing, said Daw Aye Sein Than, a local woman from Sittwe.

“Sand is mined with the use of vehicles, but the junta fails to take action against sand miners. The banks will erode if sand extraction continues like this,” she added.

Residents are pointing out that in order to prevent sand mining,  the public and the authorities need to work together, erecting vinyls and raising awareness, and taking effective measures.

“Sand is extracted at Sittwe’s View Point Beach, but no action is taken against sand miners. Sittwe’s View Point Beach is full of sinkholes and pits,” said Daw Kyawt Sein, chairwoman of the Arakan Alin Dagar.

When DMG contacted Sittwe Township Administrator U Kyaw Lwin to find out about action being taken against sand digging on the beach, he said: “We are working to educate people not to mine sand, but we have yet to take action against them. We need to issue a warning about sand mining.”

Sittwe’s View Point Beach is a popular destination for locals as well as local and foreign tourists, and is especially crowded on weekends and public holidays.