17 military-AA clashes reported in Arakan State in two weeks

The rate of fighting has increased in Arakan State because the Arakkha Army (AA) has significantly expanded its offensive to capture and control the Maungdaw border region.

By Admin 14 May 2024

 Fighters from the Arakkha Army (AA). (Photo: ABN)
Fighters from the Arakkha Army (AA). (Photo: ABN)

DMG Newsroom
14 May 2024, Sittwe

Arakan State had the most clashes between the military and ethnic armed groups and resistance forces out of 11 regions and state monitored in the two weeks from April 24 to May 7, BNI-Myanmar Peace Monitor said in a recent report.

A total of 69 clashes — 17 in Arakan State, one in Kachin State, 12 in Sagaing Region, nine in Tanintharyi Region, three each in Chin, Kayin and Shan states and Bago Region, two in Mon State and one each in Kayah State and Mandalay Region — were reported during the period from April 24 to May 7, the report said.

The rate of fighting has increased in Arakan State because the Arakkha Army (AA) has significantly expanded its offensive to capture and control the Maungdaw border region.

“Hostilities between the AA and military are reported in Maungdaw on a daily basis. The military responds to the AA’s attack with artillery strikes and air assaults as the ethnic armed group ramps up offensive attacks. Junta jet fighters open fire on the AA positions on a daily basis,” said a local resident in Maungdaw.

While the AA launches attacks on the military’s remaining camps and junta bases in Maungdaw District, it has also opened a new military front in southern Arakan State.

The military regime, which has faced defeat after military defeat in Arakan State, is increasingly targeting towns and villages, causing civilian casualties to rise steadily in recent months.

“The military regime is unable to attack the AA on the ground and is mainly using heavy weapons and airstrikes. The military regime’s indiscriminate firing of heavy weapons has resulted in civilian casualties,” said a social activist in Arakan State.

Nine civilians were killed and eighteen others were injured by junta shellings, airstrikes and landmine blasts in Arakan State from May 1-13, according to a DMG tally.