Crab and crayfish exports from Arakan State to China suspended over virus concerns

White spot syndrome virus (WSSV) has been found in mud crab and crayfish being exported from Arakan State to China, and the export of seafood has been suspended since May 23, according to the state’s Fisheries Department. 

By DMG 25 May 2022

DMG Newsroom
25 May 2022, Sittwe 

White spot syndrome virus (WSSV) has been found in mud crab and crayfish being exported from Arakan State to China, and the export of seafood has been suspended since May 23, according to the state’s Fisheries Department. 

Chinese officials notified Myanmar authorities that the virus has been detected in mud crab and crayfish exported from Myanmar to China, U Thet Oo, director of the Department of Fisheries, told DMG. 

“Fearing that all the people in this industry will be harmed, samples of mud crab and crayfish from Arakan State townships are being sent to a laboratory in Yangon for testing,” the Fisheries official added. “If we are able to find out the source of the virus, we will suspend export of mud crab and crayfish from those areas, but help people from other areas to export their marine products.” 

U Thet Oo said businessmen and merchants also need to cooperate with the department and if they do not cooperate sufficiently, China will not buy mud crab and crayfish from Arakan State. 

“China will not buy these aquatic products if the virus is found again after businessmen and traders smuggled mud crab and crayfish from other areas. Last year, China banned the import of one of the clams from Myanmar after a virus was detected in the seafood,” he explained. 

Crab traders and entrepreneurs in Arakan State fear they will be severely affected by the immediate ban. 

“We have to buy mud crab and crayfish with money, so we are in trouble when the export ban is put in place. The Covid-19 pandemic has hit the economy hard and we are just beginning to recover,” said Ko Kyaw Than, a crayfish merchant. 

Arakan State exported more than 100 tonnes of crayfish and 400 tonnes of mud crab to China in the previous fiscal year, according to the Department of Fisheries.