Donors urged to contribute basic necessities to IDPs’ education in Kayah State

The Kayan Generation Youth (KGY) group is urging donors to contribute as schools are needed in camps for internally displaced people (IDPs) in Kayah State. 

By DMG 28 Apr 2022

Photo: Kayan Generation Youth

DMG Newsroom
28 April 2022, Loikaw, Kayah State 

The Kayan Generation Youth (KGY) group is urging donors to contribute as schools are needed in camps for internally displaced people (IDPs) in Kayah State. 

Donors are encouraged to donate teaching aid materials and basic necessities to temporary schools set up in the displacement camps, an official from KGY told DMG. 

“Temporary schools have been set up in the IDP camps to ensure that children do not lag behind in education. There is a lot of need for the children. There is an urgent need for basic necessities, from stationery to clothing. Donors are encouraged to donate as much as they can,” said the KGY official. 

There is “great need” for scores of children at temporary schools in IDP camps not far from the Kayah State capital Loikaw, according to a Karenni relief group helping those displaced by the conflict. 

“There are very few teachers in the IDP camps. There are 12 village-style IDP camps and 10 temporary schools in a location east of Loikaw. We are doing our best to keep up with the teaching. There are about 100 children to teach, so there is a great need,” a Karenni aid worker said. 

Clashes between the Myanmar military and the Karenni Nationalities Defence Force (KNDF) have left more than 50,000 children with difficulty accessing education, according to Karenni aid workers. 

Fighting between junta troops and the KNDF has been raging in Kayah State since the military coup in February 2021, and more than 200,000 people have been displaced by the ongoing hostilities.