Low demand for elephant foot yam from Arakan State

The price of elephant foot yam has declined due to demand and supply factors. The price has declined from 1,200 kyats per viss last year to between 500 and 1,000 kyats currently.

By Admin 03 Oct 2023

Photo: Win Tun Elephant Foot Yam Dealing / Facebook
Photo: Win Tun Elephant Foot Yam Dealing / Facebook

DMG Newsroom
3 October 2023, Ponnagyun

The elephant foot yam business has been slow in Arakan State as there is little demand from once reliable buyers in Mandalay.

Elephant foot yam dealer U Maung Chit Khin from Poe Xue Pyin Village in Ponnagyun Township said: “At this time in previous years, buyers were already buying elephant foot yam. There is no demand this year. Our contacts said buyers are not buying. Perhaps, they have stopped buying because it is difficult to transport to the border.”

The price of elephant foot yam has declined due to demand and supply factors. The price has declined from 1,200 kyats per viss last year to between 500 and 1,000 kyats currently.

Harvested annually in September and October, elephant foot yam typically provides an extra source of income for some Arakan State residents.

“In previous years, we collected bamboo shoots and elephant foot yams. It provided us with a source of extra income. However, bamboo shoots do not grow this year, and there is also no demand for elephant foot yams. So, we have no income,” said Daw Ma Thein Yin from Pauktaw Pyin Village in Ponnagyun Township.

Some people who previously made a living by selling elephant foot yams have left Arakan State to instead work overseas.

“In our area, elephant foot yam collectors have gone to foreign countries. There is also no demand for elephant foot yam,” said elephant foot yam dealer Daw Mae Khine from Lay Nyin Taung Village in Mrauk-U Township.

In Arakan State, elephant foot yams are mainly grown and sold in Ponnagyun, Mrauk-U, Ann, Taungup, Thandwe and Kyaukphyu townships.