Two detained villagers given medical treatment

Father of Myo Hein Swe, said: “Their faces were swollen and their eyes were bloodshot; the injuries are quite visible. They received injuries on their thighs so now they cannot walk well. Saw Maung Than has black and brown bruises on eyes.

26 Jun 2019

(Myo Hein Swe is found at Kyauktaw Township court on 25 June to be granted remand. Photo_ Internet)

Khaing Roe La | DMG

26 June, Kyauktaw


Two young villagers from Tin Htein Kan village in Mrauk-U Township, who have been detained by the Tatmadaw on suspicion of detonating remote controlled landmines, are undergoing medical treatment at Kyauktaw hospital after getting receiving injuries during interrogation, a family member told the DMG.

Myo Hein Swe (aka) Nyi Htwe, 19, and Saw Maung Than, 21, have been detained by the Tatmadaw since 22 June.

They said at the court that they were beaten during interrogations, and the township court judge noted they were “severely injured.” The township doctor suggested that they need to have medical treatment. So, they have been undergoing medical treatment since 25 June.

Saw Maung Than said in court that they hit him with their boots and beat him with wooden planks and wooden sticks, U Aung Tun Mya, father of Saw Maung Than, said.

Both of them were remanded on 25 June at Kyauktaw Township court. They could not walk well because of their injuries, he added.

U Maung Thein Hla, father of Myo Hein Swe, said: “Their faces were swollen and their eyes were bloodshot; the injuries are quite visible. They received injuries on their thighs so now they cannot walk well. Saw Maung Than has black and brown bruises on eyes. When the judge asked them how they got the injuries, they said they were beaten by the butt of a rifle,” he said.

The DMG tried many times to contact a spokesperson of the Tatmadaw, but could not reach anybody for comments regarding the two young men.

The AA set off two remote controlled landmines that exploded while a security troop was traveling on Yangon-Sittwe highway near Tin Nyo village in Mrauk-U Township on the morning of 22 June. The military force found two suspicious people while they were checking around the area and told them to stop. But they did not stop and drove off on their motorbike, but were arrested near Waythali village, the Tatmadaw said in a statement.

The statement also said that the two detainees were found setting off explosive devices and authorities seized a financial ledger that contained records of money extorted from villages to support the AA and a mobile phone with a screen photo of someone taking on a video call with a member of the AA their family members said that they were arrested on the way to Mrauk-U Town to withdraw money for family business. The family of Myo Hein Swe is operating a rice mill and is involved with the AA and Saw Maung Than is a farmer and has no ties with any organization, Min Myo Swe, elder brother of Myo Hein Swe, said.

U Maung Thein Hla, father of Myo Hein Swe, said: “Parents, the head of Mrauk-U Myoma police station and MPs believe that my son is innocent. So, I want him released.”

Related News : Families disturbed over two detained young villagers