Dozens of teachers in Ann Twsp suspended for failure to report for duty

“The news is true. Dozens of teachers in rural areas have been suspended from their duty since June for failing to come to their respective schools,” said an education employee in Ann Township.

By Admin 13 Jul 2024

A school enrollment activity is pictured in Sittwe, Arakan State, in June 2023.
A school enrollment activity is pictured in Sittwe, Arakan State, in June 2023.

DMG Newsroom
13 July 2024, Ann

Dozens of education employees from Ann Township, Arakan State, have been suspended since last month by Myanmar’s military regime, which claims that they did not report for duty at the schools they are assigned to serve.

Seventy-one employees from schools in Hsinput, Ngapyel, Thinganet, Thabyuchaung, Peinhnepin, Taungsauk, Naypasay, Lonetone and Lawhein villages have been suspended.

“The news is true. Dozens of teachers in rural areas have been suspended from their duty since June for failing to come to their respective schools,” said an education employee in Ann Township.

Fighting between the regime and Arakkha Army (AA) is escalating in Ann Township, with the ethnic armed group attacking junta camps in the township, where the Myanmar military’s Western Command is based.

A male teacher working in Ann Township said that the suspended education staff did not come to work because they did not have assurances that their lives would be protected amid the ongoing hostilities.

“Clashes are reported in rural areas, not in downtown Ann. Teachers are worried about their safety. We have not returned to our area because we are assigned to a place where there is fighting. The Department of Education does not provide life insurance to its employees,” the teacher added.

DMG attempted to contact Arakan State education officer U Ba Htwee Sein regarding the reported suspension of 71 education staff from Ann Township, but he could not be reached.

Students were to be enrolled in basic education schools on June 1 and teachers from townships such as Sittwe, Mrauk-U, Minbya and Kyauktaw were instructed by the Arakan State education officer to arrive at their respective schools by May 25.

The military regime had threatened to terminate teachers or cut their salaries if they did not arrive at their assigned schools within the specified time.

Except for some urban schools still under the control of the junta in Arakan State, many schools are closed due to the intensity of ongoing fighting and the threat of airstrikes.

Fighting between the military and Arakkha Army is currently fierce in Ann, Thandwe and Maungdaw townships, and frequent clashes are reported in Taungup and Kyaukphyu townships as well.