Junta artillery barrages frighten locals in Sittwe and beyond

A junta battalion and Myanmar Navy vessels in Sittwe fired mortar shells into some villages in Ponnagyun and Rathedaung townships following the clashes with the AA, the military source added.

By Admin 31 Aug 2024

A downtown scene in Sittwe is pictured during the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020.
A downtown scene in Sittwe is pictured during the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020.

DMG Newsroom
31 August 2024, Sittwe

Myanmar’s military regime fired mortar shells into residential areas and tightened security in Sittwe, its seat of administration in Arakan State, following fighting with the Arakkha Army (AA) on Thursday, according to local residents.

Military and AA forces clashed at a location between Wahbo and Minhla villages and near Amyint Kyun Village in Sittwe Township on August 29. The military suffered heavy casualties in the clashes with the AA and retreated from the scenes of hostilities, said a military source.

A junta battalion and Myanmar Navy vessels in Sittwe fired mortar shells into some villages in Ponnagyun and Rathedaung townships following the clashes with the AA, the military source added.

“A junta battalion and the Myanmar Navy vessels in Sittwe often fire artillery shells into some villages in Ponnagyun and Rathedaung townships and on fishing boats in the river on a daily basis following the clashes with the AA,” the source explained.

The military reportedly fired eight mortar shells into residential areas on the morning of August 31.

The regime has tightened security in downtown Sittwe following the clashes with the AA at separate locations about five miles from the Arakan State capital, said a resident.

“Junta soldiers have tightened security checks on locals. Junta battalions and the Myanmar Navy fire mortar shells on a daily basis,” the Sittwe resident added.

Two civilians were killed and four others including two children were injured after an artillery shell fired by the Myanmar Navy in Sittwe fell and exploded in Sarpyingyi Village in Rathedaung Township on August 28. Two fishermen from Kyeinkhwaymaw Village, part of Arakan State’s Pauktaw Township, were reportedly injured in an artillery strike fired by a Myanmar Navy vessel in the Kaladan River east of Sittwe Township on Thursday.

Clashes have broken out in Sittwe Township, and the regime fears AA attacks, firing heavy weapons and tightening security in the Arakan State capital.

“The Arakan State government is just a name. Those who are known as that government are no longer safe even in Sittwe. They themselves already know it. Finally, if the battle becomes fierce, they will also flee from Sittwe,” said U Pe Than, a military and political observer.

He added that after the AA captured Maungdaw Town, they could attack Sittwe Town with any military strategy that would cause the least harm to the people.

The regime has planted landmines in and around Sittwe to boost a defence and has been making arrests of civilians and jailing these supposed suspects.

Since launching its offensive in November of last year, the AA has seized nine townships in Arakan State as well as Paletwa Township in neighbouring Chin State. The AA is currently launching offensive attacks in bids to seize control of Maungdaw and Thandwe townships.