Myanmar waives Covid-19 tests for fully vaccinated international air travellers

The Myanmar regime has waived mandatory Covid-19 tests for fully vaccinated international travelers who come to Myanmar on commercial flights, according to the regime’s Ministry of Health.

By DMG 16 Jun 2022

DMG Newsroom
16 June 2022, Sittwe 

The Myanmar regime has waived mandatory Covid-19 tests for fully vaccinated international travelers who come to Myanmar on commercial flights, according to the regime’s Ministry of Health. 

Myanmar had banned international commercial flights since the first Covid-19 outbreak in the country in March 2020. The ban was lifted in April this year. 

Air travellers then had to receive Real Time-Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) testing for Covid-19 on arrival at Yangon International Airport, before they were allowed to proceed to their destinations on condition that they tested negative. 

But now, those who are fully vaccinated against Covid-19 with vaccines recognised by Myanmar’s Health Ministry at least two weeks prior to their arrival in Myanmar need not receive PCR testing, said director Dr. Than Naing Soe of Health Knowledge Promotion Section of the ministry. 

“International travellers needed to take Covid-19 test previously. But those who are fully vaccinated against Covid-19 need not take the test now. They must have received both doses of Covid-19 vaccines and the second dose must be given at least two weeks prior to their arrival in Myanmar,” the director said. 

They have to show Covid-19 vaccination certification to flight attendants along with their boarding passes, and to airport health officials on arrival in Myanmar. 

Travel restrictions are still imposed on those who are not fully vaccinated or who can’t show proof of vaccination. They will be tested for Covid-19 with PT-PCR on the third day after they arrive in Myanmar and they can travel to their destination if they test negative, according to the Ministry of Health. 

The regime in February required that all the domestic air travellers receive a rapid diagnostic test for Covid-19 within 48 hours of their flights. It has recently waived those requirements for travellers who are fully vaccinated against coronavirus.