Myanmar military charges eight Mrauk-U men with incitement

The Myanmar military has filed an incitement lawsuit against eight residents in Arakan State’s Mrauk-U Township under Section 505(a) of the Penal Code at the Mrauk-U District Court, according to family members of the accused.

By DMG 30 Jul 2022

DMG Newsroom
30 July 2022, Mrauk-U

The Myanmar military has filed an incitement lawsuit against eight residents in Arakan State’s Mrauk-U Township under Section 505(a) of the Penal Code at the Mrauk-U District Court, according to family members of the accused.

Among the accused, Tinmyo village resident Ko Pyae Sone Win was arrested by the military near Alezay bridge on July 22, said his wife Ma Hla Bu.

“He was arrested on his way to a local bazaar and was charged under Section 505(a) of the Penal Code. He was arraigned twice and the next hearing has been rescheduled for August 2. My husband was arrested by soldiers from the Myanmar military’s Artillery Battalion No. 540. I don’t know exactly who the plaintiff is,” she said.

Ko Pyae Sone Win, a native of Hinthada Township in Ayeyarwady Region, married a woman from Tinnyo village and earns a living selling vegetables. He was tortured and beaten during the military’s interrogations, according to family members.

The accused have been identified as Ko Kyaw Win Hlaing, 22, from Kyaukyitkay ward; Ko Ko Myint, 23, from Wa Thel ward; Ko Pyae Sone Win, 36, from Tinnyo village; Chit Su Bu, 13, from Konbaung village in Mrauk-U Township; Arbu Karthein, 25, from Aungdai village in Minbya Township; Maung Phway Ai, 28, from Chin State’s Paletwa Township; Maung Yang Hlan, 41, from Chin State’s Matupi; and Maung Phyo Wai, 25, from Shan State’s Pinlaung Township.

Ko Kyaw Win Hlaing reportedly had to receive medical treatment in Yangon on July 3 after he was tortured while in military custody, according to family members.

Ko Kyaw Win Hlaing is currently receiving medical treatment in Yangon, and while his injuries have healed somewhat, he is still unable to walk, according to family members.

“He has been receiving medical treatment in Yangon for about one month. But he is still unable to walk and even if he recovers from his injuries and is discharged from the hospital, he will have to face the case,” said Daw Hla Win Kyi, the mother-in-law of Ko Kyaw Win Hlaing.

Auto rickshaw taxi driver Ko Kyaw Win Hlaing was detained by Myanmar military personnel on June 22. Ko Kyaw Win Hlaing was one of several Mrauk-U residents detained by the regime after the Arakan Army abducted three security personnel in the town on June 21.

The Arakan Army has detained multiple junta soldiers, police and security personnel in Arakan State over recent weeks. The Myanmar military has also arrested some residents of Kyauktaw, Ponnagyun and Sittwe on suspicion of having ties to the Arakan Army, charging some detainees with various counts.