Military detains six elderly men in Maungdaw Twsp, residents say

Six elderly men were abducted by the military in Maungdaw Township, Arakan State, at about 2 p.m. on Saturday, according to local residents.

By DMG 29 Oct 2022

A local bazaar in Maungdaw is pictured in 2019.

DMG Newsroom
29 October 2022, Maungdaw

Six elderly men were abducted by the military in Maungdaw Township, Arakan State, at about 2 p.m. on Saturday, according to local residents.

The detainees have been identified as U Tun Aung Kyaw, a 65-year-old retired headmaster; U Aye Sein, a 80-year-old retired police officer; U Maung Hla Sein, a 60-year-old clerk from the township General Administration Department; U Kyaw Soe Moe, 50; U Maung Thar Nu, 60; and U Kyan Win, a 50-year-old employee from the district GAD. All arrestees are residents of Thazi Village.

The six men were taken away by around 40 security personnel in plainclothes, who arrived in four civilian vehicles while the detainees were sitting at a rest-house near Thazi Village, an eyewitness told DMG.

“I don’t know the reason for the arrest. I think members of the Military Intelligence, police, Border Guard Force and military made the arrest,” he added.

Residents said that two people in the plainclothes contingent provided security with guns, while the others arrested the six and took them away in handcuffs.

“My father earns a living as a farmer. I think he was arrested when he was taking a rest after he returned from work. I am worried about his safety because I don’t know his whereabouts. I want him released as soon as possible,” said the son of one of the detainees.

The six men’s whereabouts are still unknown, and attempts to phone them have been unsuccessful, said a resident close to them.

“No one in the village knows the reason for the arrests and they were reportedly taken to Maungdaw [town]. Their mobile phones cannot be contacted,” he added.

DMG continues to attempt to contact junta spokesperson Major-General Zaw Min Tun regarding the matter.

Fighting between the military and Arakan Army is ongoing in Arakan State’s Maungdaw, Buthidaung, Rathedaung, Minbya, Kyauktaw and Ponnagyun townships, and in Paletwa Township, Chin State.