Residents of Thandwe Twsp fishing village told to report overnight guests


Residents of Sin Gaung village in Arakan State’s Thandwe Township were instructed on November 25 to report overnight guest lists, according to local villagers. 

By DMG 26 Nov 2021

DMG Newsroom
26 November 2021 

Residents of Sin Gaung village in Arakan State’s Thandwe Township were instructed on November 25 to report overnight guest lists, according to local villagers. 

U Shwe Hti Aung, a resident of Sin Gaung village, said locals do not know the reason for the order to report overnight guest lists. 

“Administration authorities announced over a public loudspeaker to report overnight guest lists, but the announcement did not say why or where we are to report guest lists, or what will happen if we fail to follow it,” he said. 

The people of Sin Gaung village mainly depend on the fishing industry, with fishermen from across Arakan State staying in the village for that reason. 

A villager who reported his overnight guest list on November 26 said the report was submitted at a house, not at the village administration office. 

“I reported the guest list. I do not know who instructed them to tell us to report the guest list. I saw new people in the village when I reported at a house in Maw Phyar ward. They are not our villagers,” he said. 

There are more than 1,000 households in Sin Gaung, and many of those living in the village are fishermen from other townships. 

A resident of Sin Gaung said it is difficult for fishermen to report overnight guest lists, adding that he is worried about the possibility of civil unrest under the circumstances. 

“Fishermen are from different townships of Arakan State. I am worried about arrests for failing to report the guest lists as they might not know the order, and unrest following that situation,” the resident said. 

The Myanmar military is patrolling daily in Sin Gaung village, and many villagers are concerned about the overnight guest reporting requirement. 

DMG phoned U Soe Myint, the Thandwe District administrator, seeking comment about the recent public order to report overnight guests, but he could not be reached. 

After the military seized power on February 1, the junta on February 13 revived the overnight guest reporting provision of the Ward or Village-tract Administration Law, effectively reimposing mandatory overnight guest registration.