Locals trapped by Pauktaw fighting in need of emergency assistance

It is difficult to know the exact number of people trapped, but according to those who are trapped, it is known to be in the hundreds, including those who are in poor health.

By Admin 17 Nov 2023

Some homes in downtown Pauktaw were damaged by junta shelling on November 16. (Photo: Ray Swum)
Some homes in downtown Pauktaw were damaged by junta shelling on November 16. (Photo: Ray Swum)

DMG Newsroom
17 November 2023, Pauktaw

A Myanmar junta helicopter and three warships carried out a bombardment campaign that led thousands of residents in Pauktaw to flee their homes since yesterday evening.

Some local people were trapped in several Pauktaw wards and they are reportedly in need of emergency assistance.

It is difficult to know the exact number of people trapped, but according to those who are trapped, it is known to be in the hundreds, including those who are in poor health.

“We want the concerned authorities to connect with relevant social organisations to help us get out of Pauktaw. We can’t go out of Pauktaw. Junta soldiers open fire on all people on sight,” said one local trapped by fighting.

Locals are having difficulty in getting out of Pauktaw as junta soldiers are currently stationed in various locations in the town, said a resident stuck in the middle of fighting.

“I didn’t think the situation would get this bad. Now we can’t go out of town. Junta soldiers have reportedly blocked off all entries and exits to Pauktaw. We dare not go outside,” the Pauktaw resident added.

DMG attempted to contact junta spokesperson Maj-Gen Zaw Min Tun to seek comment on the matter, but he could not be reached.

At least 20 casualties were reported in downtown Pauktaw, Arakan State, on November 16 due to the artillery shelling and junta soldiers’ indiscriminate firings.

Military tensions are running high in Pauktaw and there are reports that the junta has detained over 100 residents at Lawka Hteikpan Pagoda.