Unseasonal rains forecast for many parts of Myanmar

Unseasonal rain is forecast for some regions and states, including Arakan State, between April 30 and May 3 due to high temperatures, according to the Department of Meteorology and Hydrology.

By Admin 27 Apr 2023

Unseasonal rains forecast for many parts of Myanmar

DMG Newsroom
27 April 2023, Sittwe

Unseasonal rain is forecast for some regions and states, including Arakan State, between April 30 and May 3 due to high temperatures, according to the Department of Meteorology and Hydrology.

Isolated, heavy rains are forecast in Tanintharyi and Sagaing regions, Kachin, northern and eastern Shan, Chin and Kayin and Arakan states, said the department.

Strong wind, hail and lightning may occur along with the rain, said director U Hla Tun of the Department of Meteorology and Hydrology.

Meanwhile, record high temperatures have been reported in five cities nationwide in recent days, shattering some records that were more than six decades old, according to the Department of Meteorology and Hydrology.

Displaced people in Arakan State are concerned that the forecast rains and strong winds threaten to destroy their shelters. U Nyo Zan Aung from the Pyar Chaung Gyi displacement camp in Rathedaung Township said their run-down shelters are at risk of collapse in case of strong wind.

“Our houses are dilapidated, and we can only run to a safe place in case of strong wind. The buildings are in bad condition, and we can’t bear it; either it is hot, or it rains,” he said.

Many temporary shelters occupied by displaced people in Arakan State are old and damaged beyond repair.

Last month, dozens of IDP shelters buckled under heavy rains and strong winds across Kyauktaw, Ponnagyun and Rathedaung townships in Arakan State.