Military restricts locals’ movements in Ann Twsp village

Residents of Ale Kyun village in Dar Lat Chaung village-tract, in Arakan State’s Ann Township, were barred from tending to their farms on May 19 and were allowed to return the fields on Friday morning, according to locals. 

By DMG 20 May 2022

DMG Newsroom
20 May 2022, Ann 

Residents of Ale Kyun village in Dar Lat Chaung village-tract, in Arakan State’s Ann Township, were barred from tending to their farms on May 19 and were allowed to return the fields on Friday morning, according to locals. 

Locals say they do not know why the Myanmar military did not allow them to go to their farmlands. But the military is still preventing people from travelling to Oh Htein Hill, said a local resident on condition of anonymity. 

“This morning, locals were allowed to return to their farms, but there are still restrictions. I was worried that something would happen in the area when the locals were restricted from going anywhere,” the unnamed individual added. 

On May 6, the Arakan State military council imposed restrictions on rice supplies to Dar Lat Chaung village-tract that remain in effect. 

Most people living in Dar Lat Chaung village-tract are engaged in agriculture, including cashew nut farming. Now that cashew nuts are being harvested, travel restrictions on locals could affect people’s livelihoods, warned another resident. 

“Locals are unable to harvest cashew nuts because of the travel restrictions. When it rains, cashew nuts can no longer be harvested. Now the locals are allowed to go to their farms, but there are still restrictions. We dare not go to the place where the military is stationed,” she added. 

A local man from Dar Lat Mrauk village, Ann Township, died after stepping on a landmine on his cashew nut farm on May 14. 

Myanmar military troops are currently deployed at Ale Kyun, Peinhnetaung and Oh Htein Hill, according to local people. 

The military council has not yet commented on the recent restrictions on rice supplies and travel in the area.