Patients at rural hospital in Ponnagyun Twsp grapple with water scarcity

Patients seeking medical treatment and healthcare workers are facing difficulties due to a shortage of water in the wells and ponds near Poeshweepyin station hospital in Taw Phyar Chaung area, Ponnagyun Township, according to local healthcare personnel.

By DMG 04 Feb 2022

DMG Newsroom
4 February 2022, Ponnagyun

Patients seeking medical treatment and healthcare workers are facing difficulties due to a shortage of water in the wells and ponds near Poeshweepyin station hospital in Taw Phyar Chaung area, Ponnagyun Township, according to local healthcare personnel.

The affected healthcare workers, patients and caregivers are struggling due to water scarcity, according to the Poeshweepyin station hospital.

“Due to this difficulty, efforts are being made to retrieve water from a lake more than a mile from the station hospital,” said a local healthcare worker. “However, Dr. Aung Naing Soe, who is on duty at the hospital, said that donors are needed as water pipes have had to be purchased to connect the pipelines.”

“There is no water in the pond inside the hospital. Due to the lack of water, there are difficulties for patients who need to receive operations. Not only patients but also healthcare workers face difficulties due to the lack of water. Donors are needed to buy water pipes to pump water from the village lake,” he told DMG.

Dr. Aung Naing Soe said it would cost about K3 million to purchase the needed water pipes.

The wells and ponds at Poeshweepyin station hospital run short of water annually, causing problems for patients, said Ko Aung Kyaw, an information in-charge of Poeshweepyin Mahameik Social Organisation.

“Local people in the Taw Phyar Chaung area face scarcity of water every year. Patients at the hospital have had to buy water in the past. We are making arrangements to dig up a pond in the compound of the hospital. Patients at the hospital are facing many difficulties due to shortages of water,” he said.

More than 60,000 rural people from 64 villages, across 20 village-tracts, who rely on the hospital are struggling to receive healthcare services as a result.