Junta recalls veterans in Ann to active duty

“It is recalling all the veterans in Ann. My brother was recalled. The regime said it is mandatory,” said one veteran’s relative.

By Admin 22 Aug 2024

A meeting with the ex-military service men and the leaders of Western Command in Ann Township in 2018. (Photo: CINCDS)
A meeting with the ex-military service men and the leaders of Western Command in Ann Township in 2018. (Photo: CINCDS)

DMG Newsroom
22 August 2024, Ann

The regime has forcibly recalled hundreds of veterans to active duty in Ann Town, Arakan State, according to relatives.

“It is recalling all the veterans in Ann. My brother was recalled. The regime said it is mandatory,” said one veteran’s relative.

Some veterans have fled in the face of the junta’s latest actions, said an Ann Town resident.

“Some have escaped the forcible recall. It is recalling veterans though there is still no fighting in Ann Town. Some retired long ago, and they don’t even remember how to shoot a gun,” he said.

The regime activated the Conscription Law on February 10, requiring men aged 18-35 and women aged 18-27 to serve for two to five years. Three days later, it activated the Reserve Forces Law, which allows it to send veterans back to the front line.

The junta leader has said that not all veterans would be called up, but rather only those who are fit for the duty.

“No one is voluntarily enlisting to join the military today. And many have deserted. The regime needs many recruits to replenish its ranks,” said another Ann resident.

The junta is also reportedly forcibly conscripting young men in Arakan State’s Gwa and Manaung towns, which are still under its control.