Residents urge municipal authorities to tackle parking chaos at Sittwe central market

Local residents in the Arakan State capital Sittwe have called on authorities to handle a chaotic parking situation along the street leading to the central market.

By DMG 13 Dec 2022

Road users on the Sittwe central market street.

DMG Newsroom
13 December 2022, Sittwe

Local residents in the Arakan State capital Sittwe have called on authorities to handle a chaotic parking situation along the street leading to the central market.

Three-wheelers and motorbike taxis park pell-mell on the narrow street, causing traffic jams, say residents.

Ma Hla May Aye from Ballone Kwin Ward said: “The market is usually packed in the morning. And tuk-tuk taxi drivers park along the pavement, and we buyers have to struggle passing through them. They park in a disorderly manner, which causes obstruction. Authorities should make sure three-wheelers are parked in an orderly row.”

Another Sittwe resident, Ma Nilar Cho, also complained that buyers are delayed by the chaotic parking.

“There is double parking and triple parking, making it difficult to pass through. We often have to wait up to 30 minutes to get past in traffic jams caused by chaotic parking,” she said.

In November of last year, the township municipal committee introduced a fine of K30,000 for three-wheelers and motorbikes for parking or riding on the Sittwe central market street. The rule was barely enforced, however, and illegal parking is the norm around the Sittwe bazaar, said a resident who asked for anonymity.

“Those who parked illegally were fined last year. Then, it was quite convenient for shoppers and sellers. Municipal officials have seen the traffic chaos at the market. But they have not taken any action,” he said.

DMG was unable to reach township municipal officials for comment. The municipality has introduced one-way traffic on five roads near the market in an effort to alleviate traffic problems.