Tankhoe Saya Tun Literary Awards presented next month

The eighth Tankhoe Saya Tun Literary Awards presentation will be held in the village of Tankhoe, the hometown of Saya Tun in Arakan State’s Ponnagyun Township, on April 9.

By DMG 17 Mar 2022

The eighth Tankhoe Saya Tun Literary Awards presentation will be held next month.

DMG Newsroom
17 March 2022, Ponnagyun

The eighth Tankhoe Saya Tun Literary Awards presentation will be held in the village of Tankhoe, the hometown of Saya Tun in Arakan State’s Ponnagyun Township, on April 9.

The awards were established with the aim of honouring Tankhoe Saya Tun and turning out aspiring writers and composers in Arakan State, according to writer Lwan Pyay Aung (Sittwe), general secretary of the literary award selection committee.

“The literary award presentation is held to promote the dignity and integrity of Arakanese people, and to let the world know about the literature standards of Arakanese people,” he added.

The works of writers from across Arakan State will be judged, with awards presented for several categories including lifetime achievement, musical composition, article, novel, poem, and children’s poem, according to the organising committee.

Saya Tun was a distinguished man of letters in Arakan State during British colonial rule. He wrote more than 60 books, including novels and plays, dying at age 70. The Tankhoe Saya Tun Literary Awards presentation has previously been held seven times since 2011.

“Saya Tun contributed a great deal to the development of Arakanese literature. So, it is a must to honour him and his intellectual integrity,” writer Khaing Min Saw from Pauk Township told DMG.

In 2021, writer Sayagyi Anauk Thar (Sittwe) won the lifetime achievement award. Arakanese singer Win Ko Khaing won the musical composition award; Yoe Nwe (Kyaukphyu) won the article award; female writer May Hline Phyu won the novel award; Okkar Min Nyo won the poetry award; and Zen Hein (Myaungbwe) won the children’s poem award.