Taungup teacher injured in school roof collapse
A teacher was injured when the ceiling of the staffroom collapsed at a basic education high school in the village of Temauk, Taungup Township, on Tuesday.
08 Jun 2022

DMG Newsroom
8 June 2022, Taungup
A teacher was injured when the ceiling of the staffroom collapsed at a basic education high school in the village of Temauk, Taungup Township, on Tuesday.
Daw Khin May Zaw was sitting in the staffroom after class when the ceiling collapsed. She was badly injured in the head and had to have five stitches at Taungup Hospital, and also required an X-ray.
“The ceiling collapsed less than five minutes after I entered the staffroom. The ceiling did not make any noise before it fell, but it collapsed straightaway. The tiles broke away after hitting my head and shoulder. My uniform was even torn,” said Daw Khin May Zaw.
The X-ray results were good, but the doctor told her to rest at her house, said Ma Khin Zar Nay Lin, the younger sister of the teacher.
School headmistress Daw Tin Tin Yi said she had reported about the case to the township education office on Tuesday, and asked to have the building’s roof repaired.
The head of the township education office came to the school on Wednesday morning and promised to repair the building in a meeting with the village administrative body and students’ partners, said 10-household administrator U Tun Win.
“The meeting decided to close the schools this week to repair all the ceilings. We aim to fix it before next Monday,” he said.
The ceiling was reportedly built in 2019. The school has two high school teachers, eight middle school teachers and four primary school teachers, and 201 students are enrolled at the school.