Military deploys more soldiers to Kayin State’s Thandaunggyi Twsp

The Myanmar military has deployed additional soldiers in Thandaunggyi Township, Kayin State, since February 9, residents said.

By DMG 10 Feb 2022

DMG Newsroom
10 February 2022, Yangon

The Myanmar military has deployed additional soldiers in Thandaunggyi Township, Kayin State, since February 9, residents said.

A resident of Taw Pyar village, who requested anonymity, told DMG that the presence of the reinforcements has been felt in local villages.

“More soldiers arrived from yesterday and they are patrolling in the villages,” the resident said on Thursday.

On Tuesday morning, Myanmar military personnel were seen checking people at a location between Thandaunggyi town and Taung Pyar Kalay village, residents said.

A source close to Karen National Union (KNU) Brigade 2 said the checks were instituted after some medical officers deserted in the first week of February.

“The reinforcements are related to the situation of medical officers from Taungoo deserting from their regiment. And two soldiers were shot dead in a market. If the reinforcements remain for more days, there will be a greater possibility of new clashes,” the source said.

The Myanmar military has not made any public announcements concerning the reinforcements or the reported desertion of some military medical officers.

Soldiers from Infantry Battalion 414 under Division 77 were deployed at the villages of Taw Pyar Kalay, 13-mile, Pyar Sakhan, Kye Phyu Taung and Yit Myo in Thandaunggyi Township on February 10.