Town residents forced to flee their homes in latest Arakan fighting

Tens of thousands of residents have fled their homes in Sittwe, Pauktaw, Rathedaung, Ponnagyun and Minbya townships due to the junta’s indiscriminate artillery attacks and arbitrary arrests.

By Admin 20 Nov 2023

Junta artillery strikes force town residents to flee their homes in Arakan State.
Junta artillery strikes force town residents to flee their homes in Arakan State.

DMG Newsroom
20 November 2023, Sittwe

Many town residents have fled their homes in Arakan State since renewed fighting broke out last week between the Myanmar military and the Arakan Army (AA).

Tens of thousands of residents have fled their homes in Sittwe, Pauktaw, Rathedaung, Ponnagyun and Minbya townships due to the junta’s indiscriminate artillery attacks and arbitrary arrests.

“Some residents were killed and injured when [the Myanmar military] fired at the town with artillery and guns recently. Many town residents have since fled to safe places,” said a female resident of Minbya town.

At least six civilians were killed or injured by junta artillery strikes on November 17 in Minbya. The public hospital and some houses were damaged. Many residents fled the town following the bombardment.

“We fled for fear that the regime might do the same it has done in Pauktaw,” said the Minbya resident.

At least 20 civilians were killed in Pauktaw when the regime bombarded the town following the AA’s seizure of the key police station in the town.

The regime has detained civilians trapped in Pauktaw in order to use them as human shields, said a Pauktaw resident who fled the town.

“Residents from Pauktaw town and surrounding villages have been forced to flee their homes due to the military council’s air and artillery attacks. Some civilians trapped in the town are being detained as human shields. So, we still can’t go back,” he said.

More than 500 civilians are trapped in Pauktaw, and the regime has reportedly detained at least 100 of them.

In previous fighting, the regime and AA only clashed in rural areas. But the renewed fighting has seen clashes in urban areas.

“The military council fired shells and guns at night. And they also visit houses to check overnight guests. So, half of the population has fled the town,” said a female resident who fled Ponnagyun.

About 60,000 people have been displaced by the renewed fighting since November 13 in Arakan State. The regime has blockaded roads and waterways in Arakan State, effectively barring humanitarian operations.