Two women returning from Yangon detained at Sittwe Airport

Two Arakanese women from TaungU Village in Arakan State’s Mrauk-U Township, who were arrested by the regime at Sittwe Airport on May 29, have not yet been released, according to sources close to the detainees.

By Admin 01 Jun 2024

Two women returning from Yangon detained at Sittwe Airport

DMG Newsroom
1 June 2024, Sittwe

Two Arakanese women from TaungU Village in Arakan State’s Mrauk-U Township, who were arrested by the regime at Sittwe Airport on May 29, have not yet been released, according to sources close to the detainees.

Ma Hlaing Hlaing Oo, 21, and Ma Moe Myint Yi, 30, who work in Yangon, were detained by the regime upon arrival at Sittwe Airport on May 29.

“They both took the same plane as me. When the two women got off the plane and got their luggage bags, they were questioned by immigration officials. They were forced to kneel down for many hours and were taken away by a car,” said an eyewitness.

The two women are currently being held at the No. 1 police station in Sittwe.

A person close to the family said that although they have been in contact with the two detained women, they do not know why they were arrested.

“They have not been released yet and the reason for the arrest remains unknown. Family members have been in contact with the two detained women, but they are not allowed to meet them,” the source explained.

The regime also carried out checks on monasteries and wards on the nights of May 17 and 18, purportedly to search for unregistered overnight guests.

The regime has arrested more than 100 non-Sittwe natives in the Arakan State capital, according to residents.

The Arakkha Army (AA) has seized many towns in northern Arakan State and has been stepping up attacks on the regime to take control of Maungdaw. For now, Sittwe remains in the control of Myanmar’s military regime.

Fearing the AA may soon launch an attack on the Arakan State capital, the junta has tightened security in Sittwe and has been committing killings of civilians on suspicion.