Family members unable to meet two detained Ponnagyun teens

Family members have not been allowed to see two youths from Pauktawpyin village in Ponnagyun Township who were arrested by the Myanmar military more than a month ago.

By DMG 31 Jul 2022

DMG Newsroom
31 July 2022, Ponnagyun

Family members have not been allowed to see two youths from Pauktawpyin village in Ponnagyun Township who were arrested by the Myanmar military more than a month ago.

Maung Min Aung Khaing, 17, and Maung Naing Myo Tun, 18, were arrested by the military in Ponnagyun on June 16, and their whereabouts remain unknown.

U Soe Naing Win, the father of Maung Naing Myo Tun, said that he went to the court because of the news that six of the eight people arrested from Ponnagyun Township would appear in court, but he did not see the two of them.

“I don’t know exactly why they were arrested. We are worried about their safety because we are not allowed to see them,” he said.

Family members went to prisons, police stations and security personnel’s offices to inquire about the matter of the two, but they have not received any information yet, he added.

“Parents just want to see their children. We are concerned for their safety because we don’t know their whereabouts. We want to know exactly where they were detained,” he said.

The Myanmar military arrested eight residents including the two youths after the Arakan Army detained a junta soldier in Ponnagyun Township on June 16.