Junta escalates air campaign as AA plans more attacks in Arakan

Two junta jet fighters launched at least six airstrikes on positions near BGF No. 5 and a Y-12 jet fighter dropped food packets on BGF No. 5 on September 28, locals said.

By Admin 29 Sep 2024

Junta escalates air campaign as AA plans more attacks in Arakan

DMG Newsroom
29 September 2024, Maungdaw

The Arakkha Army (AA) will step up its offensive against the military's Border Guard Force (BGF) No. 5, the last standing junta battalion in Maungdaw, the ethnic armed group said in a statement on September 27.

Locals say the regime has been reinforcing Maungdaw with weapons and food, and increasing airstrikes near BGF No. 5, over recent days.

Two junta jet fighters launched at least six airstrikes on positions near BGF No. 5 and a Y-12 jet fighter dropped food packets on BGF No. 5 on September 28, locals said.

A junta Y-12 jet fighter subsequently dropped multiple bombs near BGF No. 5 on the morning of September 29.

"As far as I know, the regime has been conducting airstrikes on Maungdaw since the AA announced that it will step up offensive attacks on the regime. A Y-12 jet fighter airlifted weapons to the BGF No. 5. A junta Y-12 jet fighter launched an airstrike on Maungdaw on the morning of September 29," said a local man.

The AA is currently attacking the military's BGF No. 5 and fighting between the military and AA is reportedly intensifying.

Some homes were reduced to ashes and the extent of damage remains unknown after the Y-12 jet fighter dropped bombs on Ward-2, Myoma Ward and Ngakhuya Village on the morning of September 29.

The regime now relies on air power to defend against the AA advance as it will not send reinforcements to Maungdaw via land or water routes, according to a military analyst in Arakan State.

"I think the regime will lose the entire Maungdaw region to the AA. The regime cannot send reinforcements to Maungdaw via land or water routes. The regime will rely on aerial support as long as the BGF No. 5 falls to the AA," the military analyst added.

The AA said on September 27 that it would continue to accelerate efforts to capture military camps, bases and BGF outposts in Arakan State.

Since launching its offensive in November, the AA has seized Pauktaw, Kyauktaw, Ponnagyun, Mrauk-U, Minbya, Myebon, Rathedaung, Buthidaung, Ramree townships in Arakan State, as well as Paletwa Township in neighbouring Chin State.

Clashes between the military regime and AA are reportedly escalating in Arakan State's Maungdaw, Ann and Gwa townships.