Strong winds level IDP school buildings in Buthidaung Twsp

Two buildings used as a school inside a camp for internally displaced people (IDPs) in Arakan State’s Buthidaung Township collapsed due to strong winds on February 12.

By DMG 12 Feb 2022

Photo: MP Oung Thaung Shway

DMG Newsroom
12 February 2022, Buthidaung

Two buildings used as a school inside a camp for internally displaced people (IDPs) in Arakan State’s Buthidaung Township collapsed due to strong winds on February 12.

Made of nipa palm and bamboo, the school facilities were built on a self-reliant basis in May 2021, with the help of donors.

Officials at the Lanma IDP camp, located within the compound of Lanmadaw Monastery in Buthidaung’s Myoma ward, told DMG that the school buildings collapsed because they could not withstand strong winds that buffeted the area on Saturday. It is difficult for camp children to get an education at the moment, an official added.

“Children from kindergarten to Grade 7 are being taught at the IDP camp school. The buildings were old and collapsed due to gusty winds,” said U Kyaw Win, in-charge of Lanma IDP camp. “The academic year is not finished yet, so it is difficult for children to continue their education.”

The school has more than 160 students and 10 teachers. Donors are needed to repair the school as soon as possible, camp officials said.

Daw Thein May, a parent of an IDP student, said: “The school has collapsed but the children’s academic year has not yet ended, making it difficult for them to continue their education. It would be good if donors could provide a place for children to continue their education,” she said.

The Lanma IDP camp is home to at least 1,350 displaced people from 16 villages in Buthidaung Township, including Ngwar Yone Taung, Shit Shar Taung, Sango Taung, Uyinthar and Thayetpyin.

They fled past fighting between the Myanmar military and the Arakan Army (AA), and have not yet been able to return to their homes.