Unexploded ordnance raises fears, prompts flight in Minbya Tsp village

The munitions (UXO) landed in the village during fighting between the Tatmadaw and Arakan Army that broke out on February 14, when a house burned to the ground, said a villager who did not want to be named.

By Win Nyunt 18 Feb 2020

Win Nyunt | DMG
18 February, Sittwe
Residents of Phar Pyo village in Arakan State’s Minbya Township are concerned for their safety after they discovered unexploded artillery shells in their village.

The munitions (UXO) landed in the village during fighting between the Tatmadaw and Arakan Army that broke out on February 14, when a house burned to the ground, said a villager who did not want to be named.

“There are unexploded RPGs in the village. Shells are strewn in the village. An artillery shell landed on the house of U Maung Thar Nu on the day the clash occurred. Now, about 20 people are left in the village,” the source said.

Most villagers have fled to other settlements due to the fighting, and additionally out of fear of the unexploded shells as they are worried about the possible risk of unexploded devices potentially detonating in the village.

One villager said: “I want [authorities] to clear these unexploded shells.”

Prior to the shelling, there were more than 250 households with more than 1,000 people in the village.

Intensifying conflict between the Tatmadaw and Arakan Army across Arakan State and parts of Chin State has forced increasing numbers of civilians to flee their homes in search of safer locations.