Military arrests several young men in Tanintharyi Region’s Yebyu Twsp

Several youths in rural parts of Tanintharyi Region’s Yebyu Township have been arrested by the Myanmar military since September 27, locals said.

By DMG 29 Sep 2022

DMG Newsroom
29 September 2022, Yebyu, Tanintharyi Region

Several youths in rural parts of Tanintharyi Region’s Yebyu Township have been arrested by the Myanmar military since September 27, locals said.

The detainees include nine men from Hnankyel Village, two men each from Kayin Shinhtabi and Yaypone villages, one man from Kalone Htar Village, and two men and one woman from Kyayzutaw Village.

“The military stormed villages near the motor road and raided some homes. Three youths in the village were also arrested,” said a resident of Hnankyel Village.

Junta troops raided some villages along the Dawei-Yebyu road, confirmed a local from Kayin Shinhtabi Village. “The military detained some youths in the village. They have no links to any organisations,” the local added.

Family members are worried about the safety of arrestees whose whereabouts are still unknown.

“They [detainees] were taken by the military, but we don’t know where they are currently held. We are concerned for their health and safety,” said a family member of one of the detainees.

DMG attempted to contact Major-General Zaw Min Tun to seek comment on the military’s detention of some young men in Yebyu Township, but he could not be reached.

Many local young people have gone into hiding following the military’s raid and detention of 17 youths in Yebyu Township, according to residents.