Case moves forward against young writer accused of financing PDF

DMG 12 Nov 2021


A young writer, who goes by the pen name Min Di Par and was arrested last month on suspicion of financing the anti-regime People’s Defense Force (PDF) militia, was formally charged under the Counter-Terrorism Law at the Mrauk-U District Court on November 12. 

Plans underway to reopen schools in Gwa Twsp

DMG 12 Nov 2021


Arrangements are being made to reopen basic education schools in Gwa Township, Arakan State, which remain closed due to the Covid-19 pandemic, as soon as possible, according to the township administrator. 

Military council sends letter asking PPST to revise statement of criticism

DMG 11 Nov 2021

Myanmar’s junta has reportedly sent a warning letter to the Peace Process Steering Team (PPST) for allegedly violating the provisions of the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA), after the peace accord signatories recently criticised military conduct since its February coup d’état.

ALP calls on Arakan Army to release senior party member

DMG 09 Nov 2021


The Arakan Liberation Party has called on the Arakan Army to immediately release one of its leading members, Khaing Aung Thein Htay, who has been held in the ethnic armed group’s custody for more than seven months. 

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