Tatmadaw reports casualties from mine attacks on its convoys 

Win Nyunt 16 Mar 2020

Tatmadaw troops were killed and injured, and some military vehicles destroyed, when their convoys were attacked by mine detonations and gunfire on March 13 in Arakan State’s Mrauk-U and Kyauktaw townships, the Office of the Commander-in-Chief said on Sunday.

First aid training coming to five Arakan State townships

Win Nyut 15 Mar 2020

First aid training is to be provided in Arakan State’s Kyauktaw, Rathedaung, Manaung, Kyaukphyu and Minbya townships, according to officials from the Sittwe branch of the Myanmar Red Cross Society, as conflict continues to wrack the region.

About 500 people from Rathedaung flee to Arakan State capital

Min Tun 15 Mar 2020

As residents of Arakan State townships where fighting has been occurring between the Tatmadaw and the Arakan Army (AA) have continued to flee to safer locations, around 500 people from Rathedaung Township recently arrived in Sittwe seeking shelter.

Two women succumb to gunshot wounds

Myo Thiri Kyaw 14 Mar 2020

Two women who had been receiving medical treatment at Sittwe General Hospital for severe gunshots wounds succumbed to those injuries on Saturday, family members said.

No war reprieve for students taking matriculation exams in Arakan State

Hnin Nwe 13 Mar 2020

Students currently sitting for matriculation exams are also finding their mettle, courage and focus put to the test in Arakan State’s Mrauk-U and Kyauktaw townships, where gunfire rang out, artillery shells exploded and several more civilian casualties were tallied over recent days in the war-torn region.

Cattle go missing in Pauktaw Township

Khin Tharaphy Oo 12 Mar 2020

Dozens of cattle have gone missing in Arakan State’s Pauktaw Township in recent years, according to residents, who say law enforcement has been slow to act on what they suspect is livestock theft.

More than 600 Ponnagyun residents flee fighting

Kyaw Thu Htay 12 Mar 2020

Fighting between the Tatmadaw and the Arakan Army (AA) that broke out on March 11 near Phat Kya village in Ponnagyun Township has prompted more than 600 residents from Phat Kya to flee to nearby villages, residents said.

IDPs in Kyauktaw Township increase by over 2,000

Hnin Nwe 12 Mar 2020

The number of internally displaced people (IDPs) has increased by more than 2,000 in Kyauktaw Township, Arakan State, due to fighting between the Tatmadaw and the Arakan Army (AA), State Hluttaw member U Maung Maung told DMG.

Over 4,000 students absent from matriculation exams in Arakan State

DMG News Team 11 Mar 2020

A total of 4,022 students in Arakan State were absent from the first day of matriculation exams on March 11, the Department of Myanmar Examinations said. That absentee rate of nearly 8.2% was nearly 2 percentage points higher than the national average, with education administrators citing conflict-related challenges as among the drivers of the attendance shortfall.

Showing 6,301-6,320 of 7,486 items.