Artillery shells land in Minbya Township

12 Aug 2019

Before artillery shells landed in the village, the sound of mine explosion and gunfire could be heard from a place about one mile west of the village at about 6p.m, said the senior monk of the village monastery.

Internet cutoff reaches 50 days

10 Aug 2019

The Myanmar government has cut off Internet service in war torn areas in eight townships in Arakan State and Paletwa Township in Chin State for 50 days. The Internet blackout has reached 50 days on 10 August.

Amputees need prosthetic limbs

10 Aug 2019

Civilians who have lost limbs due to artillery fire or landmine explosions due to ongoing fighting need prosthetic replacements, aid workers said. 

Fighting closes thirteen schools

10 Aug 2019

Five schools in Rathedaung Township and eight schools in Minbya Township have been closed after villagers fled to safety during fighting in their areas, said U Sein Tun Hla, deputy director general of the Arakan State Education Office.

Tatmadaw troops enter Thameehla village

08 Aug 2019

The Tatmadaw troops moved into the village shooting guns that scared local residents and they fled from their homes, said a villager who fled from their home and on the condition of anonymity.

Four detainees allowed to meet relatives

08 Aug 2019

Four of 11 people arrested by police for alleged links to the Arakan Army (AA) were allowed to meet their families on August 8 at Ponnagyun township’s police station, U Maung Maung Than, a family member of detainees  told DMG.

Civilians trapped in hot spot in Minbya Township gets attention

07 Aug 2019

“Soldiers told us we were not allowed to go to these villages because of their superiors’ orders. By obstructing villagers to seek a safe and secure haven is a form of violating human rights because all citizens have a right to move where they please,”

Village administrative officials step on landmines

07 Aug 2019

The military troop took U Hla Maung, 35, the head of hundred households for Khapaw village and U Thauk Kyar Aung, 51, the head of ten households for the same village, to guide them to go to Mar Lar village, one mile from their village.

Showing 7,021-7,040 of 7,486 items.