ARSA attacks Security Force vehicle

Nay Yaung Min (Sittwe) 23 Apr 2019

A police vehicle used for security operations was attacked with heavy weapons by the Arakan Rohingya Salvtion Army (ARSA) in Maungdaw Township on the morning of April 22,

Unborn baby dies by gunshot

Cha Lu Aung 22 Apr 2019

“The mother was struck in her abdomen by a stray bullet while she was worshipping. There was no battle but we heard firing between Sinthaybyin and Uyinthar villages.

Food shortages and diarrhea outbreak menace Sin Kae IDP camp

Khaing Roe La 21 Apr 2019

“They have to drink water from the creek. Because of strong wind and heavy rain in previous days, roofs and walls of the buildings in the camps were destroyed. They are now living in buildings without any fortification.

Number of IDP camps in Mrauk-U reached 41

Sein Ko Ko 20 Apr 2019

 “They mainly need rice and other essential food. But, refugees from the IDP sites in rural areas need firewood also. The second priority is health care and adequate toilet facilities,”

Two villagers shot at night in Mrauk-U

Cha Lu Aung 16 Apr 2019

“The village is located between No.377 and 378 Light Infantries. The shots were fired by the No. 378 Light Infantry adjacent to the village,” the villager said.

Villagers detained after regional skirmish

Seine Ko Ko 12 Apr 2019

“They entered and searched through our village. And they got a list of people from a house. It is the list of the village sentry that includes 35 people. They said that it was the list of the AA troops and they found 19 people with the same name on the list,” he said.

Hostility between Tatmadaw and AA escalating in Mrauk-U

Phadu Tun Aung 12 Apr 2019

“Since we are seeking to list Mrauk-U as a world heritage site, artillery shells and bullets should not hit in the precinct of the ancient city,” said U Tun Tha Sein, Rakhine State Hluttaw representative for Mrauk-U Township.

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