Appeal to DMG audiences for financial support
Development Media Group (DMG) is an independent and unbiased media outlet that has been working hard to distribute accurate information in real time and to present digital news about the affairs of Arakan State via online platforms.
Founded in 2012, DMG now covers news and features as well as broadcasting our DTV News Programme in both Myanmar and English languages amid various challenges including increasing concerns in recent months and years for the safety of our reporters and editors.
Today we also face financial hardship due to rising expenditures and the global economic downturn, and so we are seeking the cooperation, assistance and financial support of our readers and audiences.
DMG can be sustained long-term and carry out its journalistic endeavours effectively only with the generous donations from the public; for this reason we are appealing to our audiences to provide financial contributions as much as you can spare. We greatly value your support!
Please donate to the following bank accounts:

KBZ Bank Account:
KBZ Pay:

CB Bank Account:
CB Pay:

YOMA Bank Account:
Wave Money:

AYA Bank Account:
PayPal Account Name:
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02 Aug 2020