Eleven villagers accused of involvement with AA

Eleven young villagers from Ponnagyun Township were detained by police on 27 July and eight of them have been interrogated in Ponnagyun Myoma police station after they were found being mobilized to join in the AA, the Tatmadaw announced. 

06 Aug 2019

Nay Yaung Min | DMG

6 August, Sittwe

Eleven young villagers from Ponnagyun Township were detained by police on 27 July and eight of them have been interrogated in Ponnagyun Myoma police station after they were found being mobilized to join in the AA, the Tatmadaw announced. 

One of the detained villagers is a 16-year-old student; he is studying in Grade 11 in Minbya town. He is from Kalama Taung village in Minbya Township. 

His father U Maung Maung Than arrived in Sittwe to get information about his son, but nothing has happened, he said.

“We are worried that they would lose their studying time. We do not know where they are detained. We are concerned for them because they are young,” said U Maung Maung Than.

The DMG phoned the Ponnagyun Myoma police station, a police officer responded that the detained young people have been interrogated in Sittwe, but refused to elaborate on the situation.

 “We are not allowed to give detailed information. He requires a superiors’ permission,” said head of Ponnagyun Myoma police station.

Some of them are 14-year-old students, their parents wish for them to be released from detention.

The Tatmadaw has detained over 90 people in Arakan State under the suspicion of being connected with the AA.