Chin Brotherhood installing administrative apparatus in towns it controls
The alliance said it has its eyes fixed on developing administrative, judicial, and legislative bodies that guarantee equality, justice, and self-determination for ethnic Chin people in the future.
30 Dec 2024

DMG Newsroom
30 December 2024, Mrauk-U
On its first anniversary on Monday, the anti-regime Chin Brotherhood said it has formed administrative bodies in territories it controls in Chin State, establishing judicial, health, education, social welfare departments to resettle residents and provide them with public services.
The alliance said it has its eyes fixed on developing administrative, judicial, and legislative bodies that guarantee equality, justice, and self-determination for ethnic Chin people in the future.
The Chin Brotherhood has captured Kanpetlet, Mindat, Matupi and Kyindwe townships in Chin State. The alliance said their ally the Arakkha Army (AA) has fought alongside them in Chin State. The alliance is currently engaged in a battle to capture Falam.
The Chin Brotherhood urged the public to continue supporting it in any way possible as it strives to achieve its goals.
“Our success in capturing towns over the past year is largely due to solid support from our allies. We are especially grateful to the Arakkha Army for their steadfast support with weapons and ammunition. We also extend our gratitude to the Yaw Army, Yaw Defence Force, and People’s Defence Forces loyal to the NUG,” said Salai Yaw Marn, commander of the Chinland Defense Force Matupi Division (1).
The Chin Brotherhood includes the Zomi Federal Union, Chin National Organization, Mindat Chin National Council, Maraland and Kampelet Chin Defense Forces (CDF), and Matupi CDF Brigade 1.
In Chin State, two different coalitions are fighting the military regime separately. One of them is the Chinland Council led by the Chin National Front, and the other is the Interim Chin National Council backing the Chin Brotherhood.