Over 200 locals flee to KNU-controlled territory after Myanmar military raids Dawei villages

More than 200 locals have been displaced by a Myanmar military incursion into Ashae Taw and Wakone villages in Dawei Township, Tanintharyi Region, according to aid workers. 

By DMG 18 May 2022

Residents of Wakone village flee to a temporary IDP camp in an area controlled by KNU Brigade 4.

DMG Newsroom
18 May 2022, Dawei, Tanintharyi Region 

More than 200 locals have been displaced by a Myanmar military incursion into Ashae Taw and Wakone villages in Dawei Township, Tanintharyi Region, according to aid workers. 

Myanmar military troops entered Ashae Taw and Wakone villages on the night of May 17, and opened fire with small arms and other weapons, said one aid worker. 

“The junta troops raided two villages to search for members of the anti-regime forces. We had heard small arms and heavy weapon firings,” the aid worker added. 

As a result of the shootings by regime forces, more than 200 locals from Ashae Taw and Wakone villages fled into adjacent areas controlled by Karen National Union (KNU) Brigade 4, according to aid workers. 

According to ground sources, artillery shells fired by the Myanmar military fell on Wakone village on Tuesday, destroying more than 10 houses. 

A member of the Karen National Defence Force (KNDO) coalition said the Myanmar military detained 10 villagers who had temporarily entered the village when the fighting stopped. 

Necessary food and clothing were provided to villagers who fled into the area controlled by KNU Brigade 4, according to a relief group. 

Fighting between the Myanmar military and the KNDO has forced more than 3,000 people from villages near Dawei to flee their homes, according to relief workers.