Four of 46 people to have AA-related terrorism charges dropped are not yet released: monitor


The Myanmar junta announced over the weekend that a total of 46 people arrested on suspicion of having links to the Arakan Army (AA) were released on February 12, but four of them remain detained, according to Wai Hun Aung, a writer compiling a list of those released. 

By DMG 14 Feb 2022

Twenty-three Lekka villagers arrested on suspicion of having links to the Arakan Army were released from Sittwe Prison on February 12. (Photo: DMG)

DMG Newsroom
14 February 2022, Sittwe 

The Myanmar junta announced over the weekend that a total of 46 people arrested on suspicion of having links to the Arakan Army (AA) were released on February 12, but four of them remain detained, according to Wai Hun Aung, a writer compiling a list of those released. 

The detainees are Daw Tin Aye Khaing and U Maung Pu in Insein Prison, and Ko Phyo Thant Naing and Ko Than Htike Soe in Thandwe Prison. 

Wai Hun Aung, a former political prisoner, said terrorism charges brought against the four people had been dropped, but they had not been released due to drug charges still on the books. 

“The four people arrested on suspicion of having ties to the Arakan Army have been sued with terrorism and drug charges. The case against them under the Counter-Terrorism Law has been dropped, but they are detained on the drug charges,” he told DMG. 

All told, 23 Lekka villagers and three Tharsi villagers were released from Sittwe Prison on Saturday; 10 walked free from Mrauk-U Prison; six from Kyaukphyu Prison; and two each from Thandwe and Insein prisons. 

“The four people should be released as they have been detained for some time. We hope that they will be released as soon as possible,” Wai Hun Aung added. 

However, about 70 other people who were arrested on suspicion of Arakan Army affiliation and charged under the Counter-Terrorism Law were not among those to benefit from the mass withdrawal of AA-related charges on February 12.