Arakanese IDP amputee in need of medical treatment

An internally displaced person (IDP) from Kunohnsu Village in Kyauktaw Township, Arakan State, who had his leg amputated after stepping on a landmine, is in need of financial assistance to treat his injuries.

30 Jan 2023

DMG Newsroom
30 January 2023, Kyauktaw

An internally displaced person (IDP) from Kunohnsu Village in Kyauktaw Township, Arakan State, who had his leg amputated after stepping on a landmine, is in need of financial assistance to treat his injuries.

U Ba Shwe, 41, had his right leg amputated after stepping on a landmine on a hill near the village in October.

Following the landmine encounter, U Ba Shwe and some other villagers took refuge at the Ganantaung displacement camp in Ponnagyun Township due to the military’s shelling into the village.

His injured leg is in a bad condition and requires medical treatment.

“Even if I wear prosthetics now, it hurts and I can’t walk. I’m worried that the wound will get worse. I haven’t gone to the hospital yet because I don’t have money and the sore is getting worse day by day,” he said, adding that the landmine also did damage to his right eye.

“From the moment pieces of landmine hit my eyes, my eyes started to turn white. I don’t rely on my feet anymore. My eyes can’t see at all so I face many difficulties. I live in a displacement camp and there is no electricity. I want to treat my eyes,” he added.

U Ba Shwe has five children, their ages ranging from 10 months old to 17 years old.

“My children are only school age,” U Ba Shwe told DMG. “There is no one to cook, so the children are forced to take a break from school to cook. The children will be asked to take exams from the time. I can’t see very well and don’t have a job. My wife also takes care of the children.”

Those wishing to donate toward U Ba Shwe’s medical treatment can call 09 262 151 421 to make a cash contribution.

No clashes have been reported in Arakan State since the military and Arakan Army (AA) agreed to an informal ceasefire on humanitarian grounds in late November.

Nonetheless, since November 26, two people have been killed and five others injured in landmine explosions in Arakan State.

At least 64 civilians were killed and 162 others were injured by landmine explosions, stray gunfire and artillery strikes in Arakan State and Chin State’s Paletwa Township last year, a DMG tally found.