Brotherhood Alliance says Operation 1027 on track

The operation has achieved a certain degree of success thanks to a continuous offensive against the intended military targets, said the ethnic alliance.

By Admin 06 Dec 2023

Photo: Brotherhood Alliance
Photo: Brotherhood Alliance

DMG Newsroom
6 December 2023, Sittwe

The Brotherhood Alliance, made up of Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army, Ta’ang National Liberation Army and Arakan Army, said on Wednesday that it was able to achieve the military targets it had expected during the first 40 days of fighting since “Operation 1027” was launched in late October.

The operation has achieved a certain degree of success thanks to a continuous offensive against the intended military targets, said the ethnic alliance.

It has seized five towns — Chin Shwe Haw, Monekoe, Kunlong, Pansai, and Konkyan — and four border crossings with China in northern Shan State. It has also seized over 200 junta positions and hundreds of junta soldiers surrendered during the fighting.

“The operation concerns the whole country. Such an operation is unprecedented in the history [of Myanmar]. I view it as a strategic military operation by the Brotherhood Alliance. That’s why it has achieved success,” said an Arakanese politician.

The Brotherhood Alliance continues to fight junta bases in Kutkai, Namkham, Hsipaw and Kyaukme townships in northern Shan State, said their statement.

In three weeks since the launch of an offensive in Arakan State, the AA has seized four border guard police outposts and more than 40 police stations were abandoned by junta police.

The AA has also seized the junta’s tactical command base in Taron Eain Village in Chin State’s Paletwa Township after more than 20 days of fighting. The armed group continues to attack another tactical command base in Nonebu in Paletwa.

It is widely believed that Operation 1027 has the potential to turn the tide in the battle against Myanmar’s military regime.

“If other armed groups from other regions and states rise in revolt at the same time, [the anti-regime forces] will be able to seize Naypyitaw,” said political analyst U Than Soe Naing.

Junta chief Min Aung Hlaing has recently called for political solutions to solve ongoing armed conflicts. His suggestion was dismissed by many observers as unrealistic.