Myanmar military, Arakan Army clash in Mrauk-U

Junta troops and the Arakan Army (AA) clashed at around 4 p.m. on Wednesday in Mrauk-U town, with the regime using a gunship during the fighting, according to local residents.

By Admin 13 Dec 2023

Myanmar military, Arakan Army clash in Mrauk-U

DMG Newsroom
13 December 2023, Mrauk-U

Junta troops and the Arakan Army (AA) clashed at around 4 p.m. on Wednesday in Mrauk-U town, with the regime using a gunship during the fighting, according to local residents.

The clash erupted after junta and AA troops encountered one another on the outskirts of the town.
“The two sides clashed as junta troops were going out of the town and AA troops were going into the town. We don’t know casualties,” said a Mrauk-U resident.
During the fighting, junta troops stationed on Shwe Taung Hill in Mrauk-U town carried out a lengthy bombardment, and a junta helicopter strafed mountains near the town.
“Around an hour after the fighting, a helicopter strafed on mountains near the town, especially the site of the fighting. [Bullets] hit the city walls of Mrauk-U,” said another resident from Mrauk-U.
Local residents were concerned that fighting might take place on Wednesday night as many junta troops were deployed around Mrauk-U.
The AA attacked a junta convoy with remote-controlled mines near the Ngwe Tauk Pauk Bridge at the entrance to Mrauk-U on December 6.