Clam prices down in Manaung Township

The price of clams in Manaung Township, Arakan State, has fallen compared with last year, according to sellers.

By DMG 01 Apr 2021

Photo - DVB

DMG Newsroom
1 April 2021, Manaung

The price of clams in Manaung Township, Arakan State, has fallen compared with last year, according to sellers.

Clam mongers were paid K4,500 per viss of clam last year, but are now paid K3,000, said Ko Myo Myint Than, a clam collector from Konedan village.

“The clam price is down this year. It might be due to political instability,” he said.

“I earned nearly K20,000 a day, but I get just over K10,000 now. The income is lower, but it is OK for me,” said U Yin Moe, a fellow clam collector.
Many in the business collect clams near Thamebala Beach in Manaung Township, and export the shellfish to China and Thailand.

Numerous aspects of Myanmar’s economy have been hard-hit by the February 1 military coup and subsequent political instability, including export industries. The World Bank last week forecast the economy to contract 10% this year, a stark change in fortunes from the global lender’s last economic assessment in October, when it predicted growth of 5.9%.